Reading any For Dummies guide involves enough humility to accept that you do qualify as part of their audience. If you are integrating your PLCs, DCS, ERP and MES, especially if you are in management, you probably want to read Data Science Strategy for Dummies. If not, you might want to just read this post.
Management has seen many splashy posters talking about the power of data, machine learning and artificial intelligence. As the integrator who actually talks to the machinery in question, you are likely to be asked by management to help in this conversation. I think this quite valid, as those are all really just statistical methods used with data. Think about Gunniess and the talented work of Thomas Case, aka the student's T-test, or Bill Smith from Motorla and his Six Sigma work. It's not just hype.
However, it can be hard to implement. Data Science Strategy for Dummies helps discuss the challenges involved in such an endeavor, but from management's standpoint. Do not expect hard technical discussions- this is certainly not the book for that- but it does discuss many of the hurdles involved in such a challenge.
I am involved in one such project at a fairly large utility company. Several issues management has stumbled over could have been avoided by mandated reading (and acceptance of) this novel. Admittedly, it is not quite as good (quality wise) as In Pursuit of the Perfect Plant for this task, but it is definitely aimed at a different target audience (aka not just heavy industry).
If you are in management and not involved in such a project, or you are not in management, I would rate this 7/10. If you are in management AND involved in such a project, this would be closer to 8.5-9/10.