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Programming laptops

A lot of questions come up regarding programming laptops. What should I get? How should I set them up? Etc...

Before going much further, you need to ask yourself some questions.

  1. What do you have to program with?

  2. What may you need in the future?

  3. What is your budget?

I like having one virtual machine per software version and manufacturer. Rockwell and Siemens products do not always get along. Similarly, you have may difficulty finding a modern OS capable of running your legacy code.

Virtual machines are a great solution! I really like VMWare Pro, which allows you to run as many VMs as you want from one laptop. You may want to try the free VirtualBox if you are just learning. I would not use it for work, though, as I have had issues with it.

To run VMs, you will need a laptop with a fair bit (but not extensive amount) of processing power. Aim to keep 2GB more RAM on the laptop than the VMs. Similarly, try to keep the VMs with less (or equal) processor power than your laptop. I try to keep programming VMs at a minimum size (32GB HD space).

Now comes the hard part: native DB9. Yes, you can still get a native DB9 port from Panasonic Toughbooks! Rumor has it Dell also produces a few, on a custom basis. DB9 will really help with old-school serial port gear. Often, USB-to-serial converters cause issues with VMs. Native DB9 ports will help.

Finally, if you can still afford it, do yourself a favor and get a laptop with two hard drive slots. Put the operating system on the SSD, then get the largest (traditional AKA spinning disk) HD you can afford and leave your VMs there.

Good luck and keep up the good work!

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