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PE Controls: Updates

A friend of mine recently took the PE for Controls, which is now online and significantly different from the all-encompassing, open book exam that I took almost a decade ago. He mentioned the following...

Topics missed by the ISA PE preparation class included cybersecurity, the OSI model, SIL and hazardous area classification. ISA standards that he found useful included...

ISA-5.1 Instrumentation Symbols and Identification

ISA-5.2 Binary Control Logic Diagrams for Process Operations

ISA-5.4 Instrumentation Loop Diagrams

ISA-5.5 Graphic Symbols for Process Displays

ANSI/ISA-18.2 Management of Alarm Systems for the Process Industries

ANSI/ISA 62443.1.1 Security for Industrial Automation and Control Systems (Part 1)

ANSI/ISA 62443.2.1 Security for Industrial Automation and Control Systems (Part 2)

ANSI/ISA 62443.3.1 Security for Industrial Automation and Control Systems (Part 3)

ISA-TR84.00.2 Safety Integrity Level Verification of Safety Instrumented Systems

ISA-TR84.00.3 Automation Asset Integrity of Safety Instrumented Systems

ISA-TR84.00.5 Guidance on the Identification of Safety Instrumented Functions in Burnter Management Systems

Other codes to know about included

NFPA 70 specifically regarding hazardous classification

API520 sizing for PRVs

IEC 61158 fieldbus fun

NEMA 520 enclosures up to 1000V

ASME III & VIII on boilers

NFPA 79 - wiring colors

He recommended getting Byron Lewis's PE reference book, as well as checking out his YouTube channel.

Topics he called out included...

  1. Pressure relief valves and rupture disks

    1. Why use each

    2. How to size

    3. Calculation for series vs parallel

  2. General electrical knowledge

    1. Series and parallel circuits

    2. Short vs open circuit

    3. Wire resistance

    4. Voltage drop

  3. Variable frequency drives

    1. Motor regeneration

    2. Harmonics

  4. Control valve

    1. Slurry service valve selection

    2. Actuator sizing

    3. Valve packing

    4. Valve selection based on service

    5. Rotary vs vertical valve

    6. Caviation vs flashing

    7. Calculate ID of valve and pipe from ASME chart

  5. P&IDs

    1. Understand drawing symbols, communication paths

    2. Location of the sensor

    3. Symbols for field mount, control room mount, etc

  6. Instrumentation

    1. Vortex meter

    2. Thermocouple vs RTD

    3. Orifice plate

    4. Steam table

    5. Principle and selection of flow meters

  7. PIDs

    1. PB vs gain

    2. PID for flow, temperature, pressure, level control

    3. What loops are PID bad for? Noisy ones

    4. PI for most

    5. P leaves an offset

    6. Casade vs feedforward vs feedback

  8. Fire detection

    1. Principles of each detector type

  9. Binary control

    1. Read a binary logic drawing

  10. Alarm

    1. Shelving, chatter, nuisance

    2. Alarm flood

    3. Qualified personnel

    4. How to choose alarms

  11. Security and SIL

    1. SIL calculation

    2. Reliability modeling

    3. SIS configurations

Good luck!

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